*研究僅包含使用SAPIEN 3瓣膜





在PARTNER II試驗中,術後五年發生瓣膜的結構性損壞4

*Stage 2 & 3 (moderate & severe HVD): morphological valve deterioration AND +Δ mean gradient ≥ 10 mmHg with final mean gradient ≥ 20 mmHG§ and any of: -Δ AVA ≥ 0.3 cm2 (or ≥ 25%)§, -Δ DVI ≥ 0.1 (or ≥ 20%)§ OR ≥ 1 grade Δ transvalvular AR with final grade ≥ moderate.

Stage 3 (severe HVD): morphological valve deterioration AND +Δ mean gradient ≥ 20 mmHG with final mean gradient ≥ 30 mmHg§ and any of: -Δ AVA ≥ 0.6 cm2 (or ≥ 50%)§, -Δ ≥ 0.2 (or ≥ 40%)§ OR ≥ 2 grade Δ transvalvular AR with severe final grade.

PARTNER II propensity matched data were analyzed for SVD rates, finding no statistically significant difference between SAPIEN 3 TAVR and SAVR for all endpoints except for all-cause BVF. Half of cases within all-cause BVF in SAVR were due to endocarditis (4 of 8); the majority of cases within SAPIEN 3 TAVR were due to paravalvular AR, a form of non-structural valve dysfunction (11/19).

§Compared to echocardiographic assessment performed 1 to 3 months post-procedure (or discharge if not available).


SAPIEN 3瓣膜用在手術低風險的二尖瓣主動脈瓣患者身上也有傑出的表現9

PARTNER 3試驗:手術低風險之二尖瓣主動脈瓣患者的分析表格


現實生活中,3100多名使用SAPIEN 3 瓣膜進行經導管主動脈瓣置換術的二尖瓣患者:一年內的死亡率及中風率與三尖瓣患者並無差異10



The only valve approved for aortic THV-in-THV, mitral valve-in-valve (MViV), and mitral valve-in-ring (MViR)*

Treatment options with SAPIEN 3 TAVR

Aortic ViV
Aortic THV-in-THV
Mitral ViV

*For patients at high or greater surgical risk.

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